"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. " --- John 8:10

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Questions and Answers

QUESTIONS: What kind of a Visa are the Chinese couple trying to get?  Do they want to stay in Korea permanently?  What is their educational background? 

They are trying to stay on with ____ University as researchers. They only want to stay for another year or so. He has a PhD... from China's most prestigious university and she is writing her doctorate thesis paper..., after which she will graduate with a PhD.... They're both way smarter than me.

Where do they stand on their baptism?  What is standing in their way?

They're going to get baptized, the only question is if they get baptized before they go back to China. If they can stay, they are planning on being baptized this month or next month. The fear with China is twofold. 1. They worry about being able to maintain the habits they have of living according to church standards in China.  2. They worry about the potential difficulty of finding a job (they both studied in tracks that lead into working for the government, because that's where the best jobs are, and you can’t have a govt job unless you are in the communist party... and you can't be in the party unless you are not religiously affiliated).

How is your district doing?

The district is not doing so hot. Things aren't horrible in most ways, but the sisters are having [some struggles].... and I can't really do much about it because they are sisters and I'm not a sister training leader, and they are hours away. 

How is your new companion?  I guess his brother was in T's mission.  Where is he from? I believe he has been out 6 months, which should mean he is still working hard to understand the language?  

That's right, his brother used to be the AP is what I heard. He's doing good! Any transfer requires adjustment and this is no exception, but he's doing alright so far. He's a hard worker, for which I'm thankful. His Korean is fine for where he is at, but that is a pretty early stage, so that's a little hard for him. His biggest problem is just that he beats himself up. He's got the skills and the drive he needs, just not the confidence. He'll get there.

Love you!
Elder Whitlock