Elder Whitlock teaching an investigator at FHE 2/2/2015
Of this picture Sister Pihl said, "I brought in the Korean Sisters to help with new investigator.....
but she took a liking to your son instead. He must be doing well with the language.
He was so patient with her. You got yourself a winner here!!"
Writing you all from a PC room in Seoul. Transfer calls came in on Friday with a surprise. I'm in N___, one of the nicest areas in the mission. It's in north-western Seoul, which will be a fun change of pace. I've been out of Seoul for about a year now, and now I get to be re-culture shocked back into a Korean ward before I leave. Count your blessings, I may still come home awkward.
There are a lot of changes happening in [my new] district. There are twelve missionaries attached to the ward and seven of us are transferring in this week. We are also getting split into two districts, so I'm the district leader of me, my new trainee (who I will meet on Wednesday), and four sisters. The other district is all Elders. President tried to explain why it was divided that way to me last night, but I didn't quite get all of it. For now I'm working with Elder H, the other district leader and a friend from Gireum, and his companion, Elder B.
Our house is really nice. Apparently the most expensive house in the mission, but not quite as nice as D___. Real estate is real expensive in Seoul. For example, they just sold the mission office a month ago for over 15,000,000$.

Kind of bummed to be leaving D___. Loved the people there, but I'm excited to make new friends, if a little confused about how I'm supposed to help the sisters in my district (no exchanges and no counseling...).
This last week in D___ was sort of slow for us. We weren't able to see a couple of our top investigators because of military training exercises and a wedding in Peru, but we did pick up a new guy..., who has a baptismal date for April. Brings the score up to three for the area with one guy sitting on the brink of getting his answer. Lots of drama for people we were working with this week. Lots of marriage problems, financial crisis, and other headaches that make me want to move to Neverland. Although, now that I think about it, I would have to either found a new group of "Lost Men" or resort to historically unsuccessful piracy...
Love you all so much! Have a great one.
Elder Whitlock
last FHE in D___ 1/9/2015
Of the transfer, Sister Pihl said, "Don't make me cry again!! We will miss him so!!!"
Bonus thought: The best measure of how "anxiously engaged" we are may often come in the situations where we aren't performing at 100%. We can't always be running around doing the work of the Lord. All things have a balance. Jesus slept, after all. But when we can't put our hearts into it, we should be engaged. And when we can't be engaged, we ought to be anxious. When you do push ups you ought to have sets of intense effort and periods of rest in between, but there is a key difference in both results and satisfaction that comes from resting for the push ups and working for the rest. If you are focused on breaks, your results are broken. So also the work of salvation.