We had two baptisms set up for this week, but neither of them were the Chinese investigators. ...they are on track for the 13th, though that's looking interesting now because they want us to go into Seoul on that day as well.
Of those two baptisms both were canceled. [#1] went on a trip with his friends ...so we reset his two week countdown. [#2] is only 13 years old and her mom revoked permission the night before the baptism. So Sunday roles around and the Sisters let us know that it is back on, so we throw everything together and get it done...and then the sisters let me know that they didn't ask for the mom's permission again. So....
Anyway, stuff is happening. Hopefully [#1] gets baptized this weekend, and the Chinese investigators the week after that.
We met with the family who is moving to Utah again this week to review the lessons and it hit me that, wait a minute, my family lives in Utah too. Can I give them your phone number and let you guys go meet them? Interesting, fun family. Plus they like me, so they can further inflate your view of me, which I like.
Just make sure that slip and slide's aren't a part of the [youth conference] curiculum and you'll do fine.
...Usually when I think about the Book of Mormon, I think about how I can put on the armor of God and everything that that means. Insights I like from that symbol: Faith, like a shield is cool to wear, but is useful when you use it. It takes action to apply faith. Also, charity is the clothing underneath the armor. You can do everything that the Book of Mormon tells you to do without faith and go through the motions, and that's good, but armor chaffes without clothes under it right? That's where charity comes in. It makes it a pleasure to wear the armor.
Love you loads, and have a great week.